Mornings in Felton are pretty much the same, especially in the summer. The drill is simple: Crows wake up the neighborhood, I stumble into the shower, shave, make coffee, see if there’s anything edible in the refrigerator, look at the newspaper, check the wildfire threat level (Moderate today, thanks to an overcast sky), and then go online to check, if anything, is worthy of attention.
After glancing at a plethora of news sites and checking my email to see who wants or needs me — Nobody? Great! — my next stop is usually Celtic news sites to pick up on what’s happening, and then finally to Celtic Noise, a forum of Celtic fans operating on various levels of sanity.
OK, I’m kidding about that — all good people, mostly, and all Celtic faithful with a deep love for the club.

Yesterday, while fighting with the text for yesterday’s blog post (honestly, I posted it yesterday, not in May of 2016), I was thinking about this video of FC St. Pauli fans singing “67 in the Heat of Lisbon,” which I originally found on the Facebook group Celtic FC to the Core.
To its credit, Celtic FC to the Core is one of the more solid fan pages on Facebook, providing significantly sound links to Celtic updates and commentary, unlike many of the fan pages which seem to be resigned to a tsunami of, “Can I get a ‘Hail Hail’ for my dog?” posts. Not that I have anything against dogs — in my opinion, all of them deserve a “Hail Hail” — but when I’m looking for Celtic news and commentary, let alone rational discussion with other Celtic supporters, many of the Facebook pages fail dramatically.
And don’t get me started on Twitter. Sheesh.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the video, take a look. And if you’re not doing anything else on this Saturday morning, swing by Celtic Noise for some discussion.
See you there.
Mon the Hoops.
[62 degrees. Wildfire threat level today in rural Santa Cruz County: Moderate]